For the past few months, I have been working as a marketing associate in a nonprofit organization called SolSolution | Clean Energy for Schools, so that's why I was kinda disappeared for a while. I love this job. But now I am BACK, with our new campaign called SIMU: Solar in My Universe. We worked really hard together to prepare for the campaign and were so excited to see it being launched in June.

I was primarily responsible for the logo of SIMU. I made it this way because I wanted the letter "S" to look like a person jumping up to reach the sun. The sun and the solar panel together represent the letter "i." The solar energy collected from the sun and stored in the panel travels through the letter "M" to the bulb, which represents letter "U" inside it.
IF you can't wait to see the main page of our SIMU campaign, please click here now.
Solar Installation Model Unit, or SIMU, is a solar-inspired education program that SolSolution will develop for and with Boston Green Academy (BGA).
Since Solar Installation Model Unit is a mouthful to say, we shortened it for your convenience to SIMU (pronounced "sim" - like simulated and "u" - like for you!)
Now you may be asking yourself why we have called it Solar In My Universe. Well, there may be a variety of good reasons, but we feel that this acronym captures best what we're trying to do here at SolSolution: bring solar into the universe that is schools.
We never liked the idea of the traditional teaching methods that caused "head on the desk and drool all over the place" syndrome. No one can learn like that, and we don't have to teach like that either. SolSolution believes that teaching interactively in an engaging environment is the best solution to educate the young minds of our future.
As a result, we developed SIMU to support and help fund our goals to work with BGA in purchasing and developing an awesome educational-based solar photovoltaic system for BGA's students to learn all about solar power. You can find out more details about the SIMU and associated program in the sections below.
Donations to this campaign will not only go towards purchasing the SIMU hardware. That would be an accomplishment in itself, but we don't want the SIMU to become just a new toy. The additional funds will go directly towards BGA and SolSolution's educational collaboration to develop the appropriate curriculum and materials for the students. We will provide full support, technical and educational, for these units so that they become an long-term integrated piece of the BGA science and math curriculum.
We've outlined the impact of your donation in the buttons above, so be sure to check those out.
In the words of Plato, “Good actions give strength to ourselves and inspire good actions in others.”
Boston Green Academy is located in the heart of South Boston and serves about 340 students in grades 9-12, 83% of whom are living at or below the federal poverty line. As the only school with an expressed commitment to environmental stewardship and leadership in the Boston Public Schools system, BGA is eager to lead the way for the development of a next generation learning experience that prepares its students to succeed in the burgeoning 21st century green economy.
SolSolution is the only non-profit solar provider for schools out there. The heart of SolSolution's business and operations is our mission to give schools the resources and support they desperately need to educate students. As school budgets are being cut left and right, we have come up with an innovative business model that not only operates sustainably and helps the environment, but also saves schools money and gives back to the classrooms that need it most. But this campaign is not about SolSolution. It's about BGA and their drive towards a better education for their students. SolSolution is here to help them make that happen.
This is a match made in heaven and brought back down to earth!
BGA and SolSolution see an exciting opportunity to not only teach students how solar PV systems work but also galvanize students to improve, optimize, and design better performing, higher efficiency renewable energy projects. Moreover, these educational SIMU will give BGA students the knowledge and skills to lead the analysis and design of a future solar project on their own school in the future.
Our solar partners at Go Green Solar have the technical experience and hardware. BGA has the desire to prepare their students with the skills and knowledge for the burgeoning green economy. SolSolution can bring these two groups together and has the ability and drive to develop an innovative, collaborative, and never-before-seen curriculum.
Think of it this way: Boston Green Academy + solar hardware vendor + SolSolution = SIMU
If you want more details about how we plan to do this, keep on reading. Otherwise, you might want to keep scrolling through.
SolSolution will collaborate with BGA to better understand where and how the school intends to integrate these units into their classrooms. With this knowledge, SolSolution will work closely to help direct the design of these SIMU with recommendations from our solar vendor partner. BGA has expressed great interest in this collaboration, already coming up with several ideas to bring togethe for the upcoming school year. (Yes, we know it's just the beginning of summer, but SolSolution and BGA love doing this for students. Summer gives us a chance to reflect and improve ourselves, maybe to the chagrin of some students.)
Our SIMU-based program will include the following elements once brought to BGA's classrooms, with many more to come!
- - Integration into BGA physics class
- - Prior teacher training of SIMU from SolSolution and partners
- - Design, assembly, and installation of SIMU
- - Testing and optimization of SIMU
- - Solar Ambassadors: Engaging students in school community to talk about benefits of solar for schools
Help us bring SIMU to BGA, and one day, you may even see these in your classrooms. Plus, we'll give your our eternal THX.
IF you believe in SolSolution and believe in me, please show your support. Click HERE to go to the main page of our SIMU campaign. Your support will be altogether to bring a greener environment to the school.
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